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Micah Project:
Jordan Valley Centers for Community Rehabilitation and Education; Jofeh – “Beit Saleem”, Kreimeh – “Beit Eman”, Jordan

Outreach projects of the The Holy Land Institute for the Deaf, Salt ( which is headed up by the wonderful Brother Andrew de Carpentier, the Jofeh Community Rehabilitation Center “Beit Saleem”, and the Kreimeh Community Rehabilitation Center “Beit Eman” are centres providing development services for disadvantaged people in some of the poorest areas of the Jordan Valley. Managed by a very good friend Yousef Rizik, the centres do this through the training of local people in issues of disability awareness through practical engagement, as well as offering programmes and workshops designed to help disabled children, young people and adults in their own development. Disabilities include visual, hearing, physical & mobility, as well as those with learning difficulties. The aim of the work in both centres is to better help them to incorporate into the society around them and to contribute as productive and self-reliant individuals.

At the heart of the Jofeh Center are the Vocational training workshops which offer Sewing, Embroidery, Weaving, Paper recycling, and Woodwork training as well as Teaching English language and Sign language. Here is an example of who benefits:

Reema is a 24 year old woman who lives in Jofeh, a small village in the heart of the Jordan valley. She has several learning difficulties and disabilities including a severe hearing impediment. The Jofeh centre provides her with the opportunity to learn skills in sewing and embroidery enabling her to earn pocket money and mix socially with other women in a similar position to her. The development of her self-worth and independence would not have been possible without this opportunity.

The new centre at Kreimeh has been more recently developed by Yousef, using the Jofeh centre as a model. It is the hope of Brother Andrew to have a series of centres along the Jordan Valley all supporting the deaf and disabled of the region, and being a Christian witness of healing and hope. A very practical response to the gospel, as their website declares ‘We work with all our effort, but with His strength’.

Micah Target for 2017
To raise a total of £2,000, dividing £1000.00 for each centre and so develop the wider work of The Holy Land Institute for the Deaf, Salt, as it looks to support the disabled and deaf communities in the Jordan Valley, and become a real Christian witness in the mainly Muslim area.

Will you and your friends help to raise money towards this very practical target? Click below for fundraising ideas

Fundraising Ideas (PDF)

Accumulator: £1,000 – we are half way to the target! Can you help us double this figure? The last of our 3 donations was sent through, via the UK agency Allah Kariem, in 2014.

Micah Project Advocate:
Travelling with Ian to Jordan will give you an opportunity to visit the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf, Jofeh and Kremieh centres, meet the volunteers, join in with some of the work in the workshops, stay in Jofeh village and maybe even sleep on the roof, visit the traditional baptism site, and float in the Dead Sea. You come back with the task of spreading the word about this wonderful work – and helping achieve a higher target for the next year!