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Financial Support

The work of Micah68 is funded solely by personal donations and church based giving. It does not receive any grants from outside agencies, but will be appealing to individuals, groups, churches, and financial Trusts to help establish and develop the work. There are two aspects to the needed financial support; the overall organisation which supports the on-going ministry of Ian White, and the individual projects across the region, the Micah Projects.

It has been wonderful to see individual giving, regular standing order donations, church events and sponsorship help support Micah68 in these last few years. Supporters have swum The Great North Swim on behalf of the general funds of Micah68, given the financial gifts at their wedding to a particular project in Egypt, invested in the fair trade business in Bethlehem, adopted a building project in Jordan. Are there ways in which you and your friends or fellowship could join in, and do something creative to support this important work? Every bit helps.

To make a donation:

The Co-operative Bank plc
PO Box 101
1 Ballon Street
M60 4EP

Bank code: 08-93-00
Account name: Ian White
Account number: 23285527

This is a dedicated Micah68 account, in the name of Ian White. All acciunt donations and expenses are monitored by Mr Gary Jones, Treasurer.