Glimpses of the kingdom

Glimpses of the kingdom

Onto the busy train,
Oblivious of excessive luggage and family calls,
The little girl,
Attentive, focussed, carefully,
Balancing the sea,
Contained in the clear plastic box,
With sand, shells and weed,

Back home,
In her room,
She stares at the gathered gift,
Testimony of the crashing ocean.
The hint of the spray and clear blue water,
The smell of the fish, and call of birds,
The echo, the glimpse, the hope,
Of a future visit.

Alexandria to Cairo. Train 912. Coach 3. 12.11 pm, 21/12/14


One thought on “Glimpses of the kingdom

  1. I have been quietly following you on your blog. You seem to have had a clear trip and now back to Cairo and UK I guess. Welcome back. Have a good Christmas. We are looking forward to hearing more after the holidays. Anne

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