Today members of the Cliff College Study group, Stephen Skuce and myself spent part of Shabbat at the Western Wall, part in the Jewish Quarter, and after a hearty lunch of guess what…..humous and foul (beans) we walked the Ramparts Walk (north) – half of the city wall walks. In the beating sun of early afternoon from our vantage point on the top of the city walls, taking in New, Damascus, Herod’s and finally Lion’s Gate I had these musings:
All of life is down there.
I look down from the city walls – all of life is down there, the dust, the dirt, the boxes of rubbish, the yards of washing, the broken glass, the sounds of revving cars, and horns, and the games of football in the yards, the alleys, the streets, and on the cobbles…….
I look down from the city walls – all of life is down there, the sad, the tired, the hopeless, the pressured, the troubled, the just plain overheated, the orphan, the widow, the living, the dying, the coughing, the shouting, the jostling, the threatening, the soldiers……..
I look down from the city walls – from the clean, the tidy, the ordered walk way, the hot but safe, aloof and separate vantage point, from my viewing of life where no-one can bother or affect…….
I look down from the walls…but I must descend to the city – all of life is down there.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling…… the city.